Join the WNBA’s New Orleans Chapter

Why join WNBA-NOLA?   There are many great benefits that come with membership!

In WNBA-NOLA, you’ll meet like-minded people and help bring fun, book/literacy-focused events to the community, while learning more about the book world through our regular members’ meetings. Whether you’re a book industry professional, a book club member, or someone who loves books, you’re welcome in WNBA!  Also, as a member of the New Orleans Chapter, you are automatically a member of the National WNBA as well.

Benefits of Membership: 

  • Learn about trends and issues in the world of books, meet authors, and participate in the New Orleans area’s rich literary scene;
  • Publicize your professional accomplishments through our website, Facebook and Twitter;
  • Network and socialize with like-minded book lovers and book professionals;
  • Annual Fall Book Launch Party;
  • Connect with colleagues nationwide through the national WNBA membership directory;
  • Receive WNBA-NOLA’s email event and meeting alerts as well as WNBA-National’s publication, The Bookwoman.

Note: If you do not live near our chapter, you can join as a Network member at the national level and receive many of the benefits of the chapter!

Join or Renew:

Join the WNBA or renew your membership today. Annual dues ($45; $20 for students) will be due by May 31, 2023, with membership valid until May 31, 2024.  Questions about your membership? Contact Membership Chair Sara Woodard at

  • Click on the Donate button below to use PayPal or a credit card. Be sure to add $2 to cover by either PayPal or credit card (total will be $47 or $22 student).


  • Mail a check or money order for $45 or $20 student (made payable to WNBA-NOLA) to WNBA-NOLA, P. O. Box 13926, New Orleans, LA 70185. 

For more information: Contact:


As part of its outreach efforts, WNBA-NOLA had a table at the Mystery Writers Meeting at the East Bank Regional Library in Metairie in 2016.


Enjoying the annual Holiday Party are members (l. to r.) Rachel Bergman, Gerri Settoon, Chris Smith and Candice Huber