Welcome to the Website

At one of the first WNBA-New Orleans meetings that I attended, Susan Larson (Reading Life host and chapter founder) spoke about what the WNBA meant to her and how special it was to be around such fabulous, interesting, and accomplished women. Susan said this in her inimitably warm and inviting voice, almost as if she were letting us all in on a little secret. My experience has been the same: getting together with people in this chapter – its women and men – always leaves me energized and takes me out of the dulling grind of the obligations of everyday life and work. Lena Dunham has argued, “Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading.” WNBA is my eighth day of the week.

A lot of WNBA-New Orleans members worked hard to bring this website to life: Sara Woodard who worked on content; Steve Beisner who did the technical work; Karen Kersting, Serena Jones, and Teresa Tumminello Brader who helped keep the website project moving; and Ann Benoit who worked on an earlier version. They all deserve our thanks.

Reading and writing can be rather solitary pursuits. What we hear most often about WNBA-New Orleans is that it provides an opportunity to network with other members of the book community. We can meet virtually here on this website, but, even better, we hope to see you in person soon at one of the upcoming events.

–       Marie Breaux, V.P. standing in for Chapter President Sheila Cork, who is out of the country


Welcome to the WNBA of New Orleans

The WNBA-New Orleans is a chapter of the Women’s National Book Association, which was founded in 1917 (before women had the right to vote) when women were excluded from national publishing gatherings.  With local chapters around the country, WNBA is an organization of women and men who work with and value books.  WNBA exists to promote reading and to support the role of women in the community of the book.  The National WNBA web site is at wnba-books.org.