November 10 Meeting Highlights: Bluestockings Preferred

Our monthly get-together had a Centennial theme, Bluestockings Preferred, and featured information and experiences from WNBA-NOLA board members who attended the WNBA Centennial Annual Meeting and Celebration in NYC in October.   We also discussed how members can make the most of their National WNBA membership (included in your chapter membership).
Some highlights of the NYC celebrations: our very own Susan Larson moderated the Friday night National Reading Group Month event in NYC; the Little Free Library is the Second Century Prize winner; an item on our Chapter-administered Pinckley Prizes was in the advertising section of the Centennial program and our Centennial Cocktail recipe (The Bluestocking) was featured on the back of the program.  We’ll had refreshments, including a Centennial birthday cake! After all, the WNBA is 100 years old and it was time for us to party.


WNBA-NOLA’s Susan Larson presents Little Free Library Founder Todd Bol with the WNBA Second Century Prize, a $5,000 grant to an organization that supports the power of reading, past, present, and into the future. The Little Free Library ( is a
nonprofit organization that promotes reading for all ages, but especially children, by building free book exchanges.

*******A reminder: Our holiday party is the evening of December 16. Please save the date.

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